Tuesday, March 7, 2017

46. Character Armor Customization Part 1

       After accomplish attaching skinned and non-skinned models to the marine, I was able to add armor customization. In the screenshot above, I added a jet-pack and armor inspired by Captain America to the marine. Now players can change the marine's helmet, chest piece, shoulder pieces, thigh pieces, knees, shins, boots, gauntlets and backpacks. Backpacks are divided into 3 categories: wings, jet-packs and capes. There will also be a section called Presets with armor put together prior. The Captain America armor along with his shield is a preset I created for fun. As much fun as character customization is, modeling and creating all the different individual pieces that players can choose from has been very time consuming. So far, I am pleased with the results. This is update is just the beginning so for Part 2, I plan on putting a video together to show the customization in-game. Also, MonoGame 3.6 released not too long ago and is available for download. It was also announced that MonoGame is coming to Nintendo Switch which is awesome! Now developers dedicated to bringing the joys of XNA 4.0 across different platforms have more options thanks to MonoGame. The first titles created in MonoGame will be Matt Thorson's Tower Fall and Celeste & Concerned Ape's Stardew Valley with multiplayer. 

       For the most part, I modeled the helmet SketchUp and then I later exported it and imported the model Autodesk Maya 2013. Next I modeled my headphones in SketchUp to use as the ear protection for the helmet to give it a unique look. After exporting it and importing it in Maya, I changed the color of the ear pieces, deleted the top  part and scaled it down to size it correctly. This gave the helmet a more "tight-fit" appearance. The headphones were modeled to not only serve at the helmet's ear protection but also to establish a communications link. In the screenshot below, I added a microphone on the left earpiece. 

Captain America's Helmet Model Side View

       Thanks for reading and I look forward to posting my next update.