Program Structure | |
Java package hello; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { String name = "Java"; // See if an argument was passed from the command line if (args.length == 1) name = args[0]; System.out.println("Hello, " + name + "!"); } } |
C# using System; namespace Hello { public class HelloWorld { public static void Main(string[] args) { string name = "C#"; // See if an argument was passed from the command line if (args.Length == 1) name = args[0]; Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + name + "!"); } } } |
Comments | |
Java // Single line /* Multiple line */ /** Javadoc documentation comments */ | C# // Single line /* Multiple line */ /// XML comments on a single line /** XML comments on multiple lines */ |
Data Types | |
Primitive Types boolean byte char short, int, long float, double Reference Types Object (superclass of all other classes) String arrays, classes, interfaces Conversions // int to String int x = 123; String y = Integer.toString(x); // y is "123" // String to int y = "456"; x = Integer.parseInt(y); // x is 456 // double to int double z = 3.5; x = (int) z; // x is 3 (truncates decimal) |
Value Types bool byte, sbyte char short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong float, double, decimal structures, enumerations Reference Types object (superclass of all other classes) string arrays, classes, interfaces, delegates Conversions // int to string int x = 123; String y = x.ToString(); // y is "123" // string to int y = "456"; x = int.Parse(y); // or x = Convert.ToInt32(y); // double to int double z = 3.5; x = (int) z; // x is 3 (truncates decimal) |