55. Games for Windows Phone 7 Talks at PDC

Microsoft's PDC '10 featured two great talks from Microsoft pros about Windows Phone 7 and games, focused on getting the most out of Windows Phone 7 to turn game ideas into full-featured, high-performance experiences. Tune into these talks, available on-demand with video and downloadable decks.

So you have a cool idea for a game. This session covers some of the less obvious things you'll need to know to turn your idea into reality when using XNA Game Studio for Windows Phone. Topics include how to choose the best orientation and resolution, how game content differs from typical productivity or web applications, how to deal with tombstoning, how to speed up load times, and how to proceed if you are interested in getting access to Xbox LIVE on the phone.

Good code design, performance tips, and a solid understanding of the platform are all essential to game development. Learn how to use the Microsoft Advanced Technology Group's (ATG) battle-tested techniques to find and fix performance-killing issues in Windows Phone 7 XNA Framework game code. Also, hear about real-world analysis and optimization of XNA Framework games on Windows Phone 7.


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